The UFC event on June 17 witnessed a bizarre scenario as Carlos Hernandez vs. Denys Bondar ended on a controversial note at the UFC Apex Facility in Paradise, Nevada.

Hernandez and Bondar locked horns in a flyweight bout in the prelims of UFC on ESPN: Vettori vs. Cannonier. Hernandez was getting the better of 'Psycho' for the majority of the fight and was likely on his way to scoring a unanimous decision victory.

But, in the closing seconds of the fight, the 29-year-old landed a takedown on Bondar and proceeded to land brutal elbow strikes, knocking his opponent unconscious. It seemed like Hernandez had scored the KO win.

Many believe the fight should have been stopped earlier as Bondar likely took unnecessary damage in the fight.

But the controversy did not end there. Despite Hernandez's brutal finishing sequence, the fight went to the judges' scorecards, as it was declared after review that a clash of heads during the takedown had led to the knockout, thereby deeming it invalid.

Thankfully, Carlos Hernandez took home the victory via technical decision as three judges scored the contest 30-27, 30-27, and 29-28 in favor of the 29-year-old.

The incident did not sit well with many MMA fans who took to social media to criticize the referee as well as the officials for how things unfolded in the fight.

One individual jokingly asked whether the referee had any personal vendetta against Bondar.

"Did that guy owe the ref money?"

Another user criticized the officials who overlooked the fight.

A few more tweets on the fight can be seen below:

Carlos Hernandez vs. Denys Bondar: The 29-year-old earns his second UFC victory

Despite the controversy, Carlos Hernandez bounced back from his recent loss to Allan Nascimento and ended up on the winning side, extending his UFC record to 2-1. After starting his MMA career with a 7-1 record, the Contender Series alum made his UFC debut in February 2022. Hernandez took on Victor Altamirano at UFC Fight Night 202 and took home the victory via split decision.

Riding an eight-fight win streak, the flyweight competed in his second promotional bout in January 2023 against Nascimento. The fight was a short-lived affair as Hernandez was submitted via a rear-naked choke in the opening round.

But Carlos Hernandez has now successfully bounced back from the loss with his victory on UFC Fight Night: Vettori vs. Cannonier.

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