Taming and breeding magical beasts is one of the core gameplay mechanics in Hogwarts Legacy, which will allow you to get your hands on some resources that you can use to craft and upgrade gear.

While many of these beasts are pretty easy to come by and tame, a few are a bit elusive, and many in the Wizarding World community are having a great deal of trouble.

One such Magical Beast is the Fwooper, one of the rarest creatures you will encounter in the game; however, it's important to tame them as you will be able to harvest Fwooper Feathers, which is one of the key crafting materials you will be able to use in the Magical Loom.

Hence, today’s guide will go over how you will be able to encounter Fwoopers in Hogwarts Legacy and be able to harvest their feathers for crafting.

Finding and Catching Fwoopers in Hogwarts Legacy

Like the other Magical Beasts in the game, you can find Fwoopers near their dens in the Hogwarts Legacy open world. Dens are indicated with a paw on the minimap, making it significantly easier for you to scout them out for the beasts.

One of the best ways to find a Fwooper in the game will be to:

  • Go directly to the south of Hogwarts Castle to Hogwarts Valley. On the eastern side of the mountain, you can spot a Poacher Camp containing Fwoopers near the Feldcroft Region.
  • Another den can be located in the Feldcroft Region itself.
  • Another is on the northern side of the Poidsear Coast.
  • One near Cragcroftshire.

Once you have encountered a Fwooper, you will need to catch it and tame it. To be able to do so, you will need to use the Disillusionment spell to mask your presence as you approach the beast.

Once close enough, you can catch it using the Levioso, Glacius, or Arresto Momentum spell to immobilize it for a certain duration. This will give you a fair bit of time to bring out the Nab-Sack and catch the beast.

However, remember that the Nab-Sack is something you will get later in the game. You must complete The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and The Loom quest to unlock the item.

Obtaining Fwooper Feathers in Hogwarts Legacy

Once you have caught a Fwooper, you have to make your way to the Vivarium in the Room of Requirements and set the beast free there. Once it’s out, your next step will be to feed and brush the Fwooper to harvest its material as a drop.

You can automate the feeding system by purchasing and placing the Beast Feeder in the Vivarium. You can buy the blueprints for it from Tomes and Scrolls shop in Hogsmeade for 1,200 Galleons.

This will give you a steady supply of Magical Beast resources, helping you considerably when it comes to upgrading your items and crafting.

Alternatively, you can purchase Fwooper feathers from Brood and Peck in Hogsmeade for 250 Galleons each; however, Hogwarts Legacy players are advised against spending money for such resource as there is already a free supply of them back at the Vivarium.

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