Last night Celebmix attended the ‘Bull’ screening for UKTV Gold. It was held at Brunswick House, the house fits in well with the show as it is based in an antiques shop and Brunswick House had plenty of antiques. The show includes such stars as Robert Lindsay, Matt Lucas and Maureen Lipman.

With a veteran cast it is set up to be a promising comedy. Also as it is set in a different location it is more original than most comedies of its time.

When Robert Lindsay was asked what appealed to you about this show? His response was: ‘The moment I read it, I thought it was fantastic. The wackiness of it immediately grabbed me. It has a wonderfully absurd sense of humour. I said to the writers, “What’s the logic of this situation?” They replied, “There isn’t any,” and I said, “Fine, I’m with you.” Bull takes risks, but ultimately it’s just really funny.’

When Maureen Lipman was asked how you would describe your character she replied with: ‘She’s a bit of a monster, and monsters are always good fun to play! Beverley is lazy, chain-smoking, manipulative, all things that I do not find a stretch!’

Matt Lucas was asked could Bull run for further series he responded with: ‘There’s definitely mileage in it. I think people will really enjoy spending time with these characters. I want to see more of them and find out what happens to them.’

UKTV Gold does not usually air brand new comedies but this comedy has enough potential to invest time and money in it.

The new series will be starting on Wednesday 21st October on Gold.
