There have been death rumours about Phil Gallagher, better known as Mister Maker, since 2008. However, social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok further helped fueled the death hoax.

However, we can confirmed to you that Phil Gallander is not dead and he is also hale and healthy.

Who is Phil Gallagher?

Phil is an English presenter best known for his role in children’s TV programmes Mister Maker on BBC and Grandpa in My Pocket.

Mister Maker has been running since 2007 and is loved by children.

How did Mister Maker’s death hoax start?

The death hoax started in 2008 after fans took him for another presenter called Mark Speight, who hosted SMart, a children programme on BBC.

Mark was reported to have committed suicide, and his body was found at Paddington station in London back in 2008.

However, because Mark and Mister Maker belongs to the same field of children’s TV presenting, fans got them mixed up.

Mister Maker has since posted a video on TikTok which has since gathered over three million views and almost one million likes.

In the video, he revealed he has been making Mister Maker since 2007. However, the only difference is that he is now a little bit older and slightly greyer. He added that his love for his show has not changed and he appreciates his fans for their support.
