Sara Ali Khan is getting her sweat on in a sports bra and leggings. In one of her latest social media posts the Indian actress shows off her incredible body – flat abs included – during a rigorous workout session. What does her workout entail and what are some of the other things she does to stay in shape? Here is everything you need to know about her approach to health and wellness.
Sara works out almost every day. "I like to change things up, but ensure that I work out for an hour and a half every single day—except on Sunday because that's my day to chill," she said, per Vogue.
Next up burpees. A burpee basically involves doing a push up and then jumping up into the air. They can be done on the ground but many people opt to use an exercise bench or chair, says Gamble.
Sara calls Pilates "the backbone" of her fitness. "It strengthens body balance and works on your core, which is the powerhouse of your entire body. Doing Pilates has enabled me to gain strength that's not only helpful in looking good but also in boosting physical stamina," she added to Vogue.
Sara keeps her workouts interesting. "It's pretty eclectic; it's a combination of functional training, Pilates, boxing and cardio. I like to change things up, but ensure that I work out for an hour and a half every single day—except on Sunday, because that's my day to chill.It really depends. If I've had a hard week [physically], then a Vinyasa yoga or Pilates class is a great workout. But if it's been a stressful and emotionally taxing week, there's nothing better than a 45-minute session of boxing to get the adrenalin pumping in my body," she told Vogue.
Sara starts her workout on the treadmill. Sara "began working out" when she was in New York and focused on doing cardio. "There were so many different types of classes in that city, from functional training to boxing to cycling. But because I was so overweight at the start, my routine was more about cardio-heavy workouts like walking, cycling and hitting the treadmill—so that I could lose the weight before entering the intermediate forms of exercise," she told Vogue India.
After walking, she does weighted squats. Squats in general are a great move to add to your routine with a "multitude of benefits" explains Kendra Gamble of HIT Fitness. They help "increase strength, size and power of quads (front part of legs), glutes (butt), hamstrings (back of legs), calves, adductors (inner thighs), tendons and ligaments, and lowers your chances of knee and ankle injuries."