Super Mutants are a type of creature found in Appalachia, the location where Fallout 76 takes place.
There are many places to find Super Mutants, but players might not want to go looking for them if they aren't prepared because these creatures are some of the most dangerous enemies in the game.
While playing Fallout 76, players are sure to run into a group of them sooner or later. Those wanting a challenge, however, will be able to use a list of locations to hunt them down.
What are Super Mutants in Fallout 76?
The West Tek research facility contaminated the river water running through Huntersville before the Great War. Those who drank the water became what are known as Super Mutants.
Super Mutants possess superhuman strength, often use melee weapons, and are carnivorous creatures. In the year 2103, they multiplied by unknown means and proved to be a formidable threat in numbers.
There are multiple types of Super Mutants, such as the berserker, firestarter, and suicider. There is also the behemoth, which is typically the leader of a small group of Super Mutants.
Super Mutants wander around the various regions of Fallout 76, with some locations guaranteed to have them. They roam around occasionally at a handful of other locations, but the encounter rate is not 100%.
Locations where Super Mutants are always found
Super Mutants have no problem being aggressive and overtaking areas of the Fallout 76 map. Here are the locations where Super Mutants can always be found:
- In Abandoned Bog Town
- Near the house between Bolton Greens and Ingram Mansion
- Around Charleston
- In Crevasse Dam
- In Eastern Regional Penitentiary
- In Grafton
- In the Grafton Dam
- In the Grafton Steel building
- In Horizon's Rest
- In Huntersville, the first known location of Super Mutants
- In and around the National Isolated Radio Array
- In New Gad
- At Nicholson's End
- In the North Kanawha lookout spot
- In The General's Steakhouse
- In the West Tek Research Center
They have spread their numbers quite the distance from ground zero in Huntersville. A large portion of the map has groups of Super Mutants that claim the territory and cause harm to any living creature that enters.
Locations where Super Mutants are sometimes found
The following locations are where Super Mutants can sometimes be found in Fallout 76:
- At Federal Disposal Field HZ-21
- In Harpers Ferry
- In the RobCo Research Center
- At the Red Rocket Mega Stop
- In and around Summersville
- Inside Watoga High School
- Inside the Watoga Emergency Services building
Super Mutants may not always appear at these locations, but players should be cautious when venturing through them. A band of Super Mutants could appear at random, waiting to cause harm.
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