To me, this sounds like a scene right out of a movie. Someone stole Willie Nelson’s stuffed armadillo. The armadillo works as his sort of on-stage mascot for the country singer, and someone nabbed it during his Vegas show (sounds like a plot line for The Hangover 4: Get Willie Back His Armadillo). Well, good news. It seems the little critter found its way back home and into Willie’s arms. Well, not literally, mind you. It is stuffed, after all. We just think the thief may have had a change of heart.

Willie Nelson’s marketing director was walking to his car one day earlier this week, when a man pulled up, apologized, and handed him a shoe box that he asked the man to give to Willie Nelson. The car sped off, and the man opened the box and saw that it was Willie’s stuffed armadillo. Imagine being that guy for a moment? I mean, really put yourself in his shoes. Walking to your car and some dude drives up and hands you a shoebox with a stuffed and dead armadillo inside and tells you to give it to Willie Nelson. Think about how much that would blow your mind. Like, if we were talking about any other celebrity, this story would be weird as heck.

The thing is, we are talking about Willie Nelson, which makes it all somehow seem okay and plausible. I cannot help but laugh at the unbridled insanity of this story. Really glad it has a happy ending, though. Willy Nelson gets his stuffed stage buddy back, and all is well with the world again.

(Photo by Rick Diamond/Getty Images for CMT)
